openc2e is a free and open-source game engine designed to be compatible with the various engines used in the Creatures series of artificial life games.

It allows you to play games such as Creatures, Creatures 2, Creatures 3, Docking Station and more, on many different platforms. You can even create your own games! It is being actively developed by an international team of Creatures hobbyists, and anyone can modify it under the terms of the GPL.

Want to know more? Check out the rest of this site, and feel free to come visit us on IRC, in #ccdevnet on the Freenode network.

openc2e News
openc2e alpha 0.1 "peril" released!
May 2, 2008 - posted by ElasticMuffin

The openc2e team is proud to announce the release of the first public version of openc2e, alpha 0.1. This release is focused on demonstrating openc2e's rapidly improving Creatures 1 support. If you are interested in trying it out, please go visit the downloads page!

Welcome to the new!
April 28, 2008 - posted by ElasticMuffin

Hello, and welcome to our new revamped website. We are working on moving all the content over, and we just now added a whole new batch of screenshots that highlight recent improvements to the engine. Be sure to take a look.

Be sure to watch this space for further announcements!